Thursday, March 24, 2011

NYC Mission Trip: Day 6, 03/17/2011

Today might have been one of the most important days of the week. Today, I slept. I don’t mean that I took a nap for an hour, I mean; I slept almost all day long. I woke up to eat breakfast at seven and then slept until twelve. I got up and ate lunch, read for awhile and then went to sleep until dinner. I even went to bed early and had no problem sleeping through the night.

I used to think that if you were on a mission trip or volunteering somewhere that you had to be in constant motion all of the time. I learned quickly that not only is this not true but often you become ineffective because you are tired and exhausted emotionally. God says to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, but what if we don’t even take care of our needs. How effective can you be when you are broken versus when you are working on all cylinders?

Because I rested, I got to fulfill needs that my body, mind and soul needed. A day of rest meant that my body feels rested and ready to move the world. My mind feels refreshed emotionally and I have had time to process all that has gone on and will continue happening the rest of the week. My soul has had time to reconnect with the One who created it. I have enjoyed my day of rest but I am so ready to get back to work serving others. So, remember this, even God rested one day of the week, I think that His example is a good one to follow.

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