It started when I was little. My Dad used to take trips for his job and I always hated when he left. So, one day, my Dad had an idea. He wrote a letter to me before he left and mailed it out so that it would come back to our house while he was gone. The letters were written on cool paper and were never written in a normal fashion. I loved getting mail and I loved the fact that my Dad had written a letter just for me. As I got older I got used to my Dad traveling and for a while he did not travel much so the letters turned into notes or just cool quotes that he had heard or read.
After high school, I was the one who was leaving and who would not be coming back for a while. That is when the letters started coming again. Now, they come about once a week. He always sends me a card that has puppies or some other fun picture on the front. The letters are written sideways, up, down, in circles, diagonally and I have even had a letter that was cut into pieces that I had to put together like a puzzle.
At first I thought, “What’s the big deal. Why do they mean so much to me? They are just letters.” But, I have managed to keep every single letter that my Dad has sent me. Through my years in college I have met quite a few people who have never known their Dad or don’t really want to get to know their Dad anymore than they already do. It’s actually kind of sad when you think about it. But, it makes me appreciate who my Dad is and what he does in order to let me know that he loves me.
They are just letters to anybody else who might happen to see them. But to me, it is what the letters represent that matters most. My Dad works hard and long weeks and he still takes the time out of his week to write me a letter. He knows how much they mean to me now and he knows what a highlight they are in my week.
This week is no different. It is the first week of the school year and a letter made its way across the country just so my Dad could tell me that he loves me. It does not take much time or effort but it does take some. As kids we sometimes take for granted all the things that are parents do for us. Every once in a while we see the things they do and notice the difference that they have on our lives.
I guess I never truly appreciated it until now but I will never forget the letters that my Papa has written me.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Instrumental Music
Any Other Name - Thomas Newman
E.S. Posthumus - Nara
Road To Chicago- Thomas Newman
Percheron Stallion- Thomas Newman
Shawshank Redemption 1- Thomas Newman
Shawshank Redemption 2- Thomas Newman
A Beautiful Mind- James Horner
Pride and Prejudice
E.S. Posthumus - Nara
Road To Chicago- Thomas Newman
Percheron Stallion- Thomas Newman
Shawshank Redemption 1- Thomas Newman
Shawshank Redemption 2- Thomas Newman
A Beautiful Mind- James Horner
Pride and Prejudice
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Why do people look down when they walk?
I have noticed when I have been walking around that most people walk with their eyes towards the ground. Why? This thought has intrigued me for the last couple of weeks and I have put quite a bit of thought into it. I feel like there is a link between how people walk through life and what they do in life. I know it might be a stretch but I am going to try it out and see what comes of it. Here is why I think that people look down when they are walking:
1. They are afraid of tripping and falling on their face. People are afraid to look dumb or to fail in front of others. There will be times when you trip up or fall flat on your face in life. I want to let you in on a secret of life: Everybody fails, everybody trips, you are not perfect and you never will be. If you are always watching out for yourself when will you ever have time to look out for others? I am not saying that you should completely ignore yourself. I am just saying, if you always keep the focus on you, you will miss out on opportunities to help others. Look up to see who is around you and see what God wants you to do in your life as you walk through it.
2. They are afraid of looking people in the eyes. I was raised by my parents to look people in the eyes, to say hello and to shake their hand. I did this when I was a kid because my parents told me to but I now know that what they did for me has set me apart from others my age. I have come to find that most other people are afraid to make eye contact with others when they walk past them and even rarer is to have someone say hello while they pass you. I know that there are a lot of weird people in the world but I think that most people would be pleasantly surprised to find out that a lot of people just want someone to acknowledge their existence. It doesn’t take much to change someone’s outlook on their day. Say hello, smile and see the difference you can make. God is going to give you opportunities to do things in life that might make you uncomfortable and will definitely make you different. But, in the end, who wants to be the same as everyone else walking around?
3. They don’t want to be different. I get the feeling that people didn’t use to walk around with their eyes focused on the road in front of them. I think that people started doing it because others were not acknowledging them and they felt out of place. It can be discouraging when no one is willing to look you in the eyes and say hello. But, for every ten that pass by there is one who looks up and maybe, just maybe, I got the chance to change their day. God tells us that we are different than others. We are unique and made for a specific purpose in life. In order to be used by God, you can’t just be part of the crowd, you have to stick out.
1. They are afraid of tripping and falling on their face. People are afraid to look dumb or to fail in front of others. There will be times when you trip up or fall flat on your face in life. I want to let you in on a secret of life: Everybody fails, everybody trips, you are not perfect and you never will be. If you are always watching out for yourself when will you ever have time to look out for others? I am not saying that you should completely ignore yourself. I am just saying, if you always keep the focus on you, you will miss out on opportunities to help others. Look up to see who is around you and see what God wants you to do in your life as you walk through it.
2. They are afraid of looking people in the eyes. I was raised by my parents to look people in the eyes, to say hello and to shake their hand. I did this when I was a kid because my parents told me to but I now know that what they did for me has set me apart from others my age. I have come to find that most other people are afraid to make eye contact with others when they walk past them and even rarer is to have someone say hello while they pass you. I know that there are a lot of weird people in the world but I think that most people would be pleasantly surprised to find out that a lot of people just want someone to acknowledge their existence. It doesn’t take much to change someone’s outlook on their day. Say hello, smile and see the difference you can make. God is going to give you opportunities to do things in life that might make you uncomfortable and will definitely make you different. But, in the end, who wants to be the same as everyone else walking around?
3. They don’t want to be different. I get the feeling that people didn’t use to walk around with their eyes focused on the road in front of them. I think that people started doing it because others were not acknowledging them and they felt out of place. It can be discouraging when no one is willing to look you in the eyes and say hello. But, for every ten that pass by there is one who looks up and maybe, just maybe, I got the chance to change their day. God tells us that we are different than others. We are unique and made for a specific purpose in life. In order to be used by God, you can’t just be part of the crowd, you have to stick out.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Simple Life
In life, we tend to look back with nostalgia at times when things in life were simple. Why is that? Why do we look back with longing for times when life seemed so simple? But, was life really that simple back then or did we just not know any better?
Think about this, when you were young, you depended on your parents for everything. Everything! When you ate, where you went, what you did, how you did it, why you did it, and when you slept. You did not have any control over your life at all. Life was simple, but you had no control and therefore none of the responsibility. Yes, life was simple. It was simple because you had complete faith that the person responsible for you was going to make the right decisions for your life.
As we have grown up and look at our life and all its complications, we sometimes wish we could go back to the good ole days. We fret and worry over every little decision to the point of overwhelming ourselves with the most minute details. It is enough to make anyone overwhelmed and stressed out instantly.
I don’t know how people get through the day. I used to think that I was the only one who had ever gone through this process in life where I was so scared to do anything that I had never done before that it had the potential to make my life very boring. What would happen if we never did anything by ourselves? We would never gain the confidence in ourselves to be able to do anything without someone else holding our hand. We would never grow up.
We all learn eventually what helps us cope with a new situation and what enables us to move forward with our lives. I don’t know what that thing is for everyone else is, but I like having the Creator of the universe in control of my life. I have learned to trust Him with my life and that no matter what happens, He is in control. Life has gotten a lot easier since I made this decision to trust someone else with my life. Plus, when I trust God with my decisions in life, it gives me confidence in who I am and what I am doing.
Think about this, when you were young, you depended on your parents for everything. Everything! When you ate, where you went, what you did, how you did it, why you did it, and when you slept. You did not have any control over your life at all. Life was simple, but you had no control and therefore none of the responsibility. Yes, life was simple. It was simple because you had complete faith that the person responsible for you was going to make the right decisions for your life.
As we have grown up and look at our life and all its complications, we sometimes wish we could go back to the good ole days. We fret and worry over every little decision to the point of overwhelming ourselves with the most minute details. It is enough to make anyone overwhelmed and stressed out instantly.
I don’t know how people get through the day. I used to think that I was the only one who had ever gone through this process in life where I was so scared to do anything that I had never done before that it had the potential to make my life very boring. What would happen if we never did anything by ourselves? We would never gain the confidence in ourselves to be able to do anything without someone else holding our hand. We would never grow up.
We all learn eventually what helps us cope with a new situation and what enables us to move forward with our lives. I don’t know what that thing is for everyone else is, but I like having the Creator of the universe in control of my life. I have learned to trust Him with my life and that no matter what happens, He is in control. Life has gotten a lot easier since I made this decision to trust someone else with my life. Plus, when I trust God with my decisions in life, it gives me confidence in who I am and what I am doing.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.”
The Ultimate Promise
God will allow you to be tested. Satan will tear you down. This world will call you crazy. Our culture will say you are different. People will insult you, persecute you, and bring you down. BUT, God will build you, mold you, change you, love you, protect you, help you, bless you, surround you, hold you, feed you, clothe you and fill you up.
He will:
Give you angels to protect you, armor to defend you, baptize you in the Spirit, treat you as His bride, provide you with refuge, love you, have compassion for you, deliver you, open doors for you, fulfill your dreams, give you endurance, fight every enemy, forgive you for everything, never forsake you, fulfill your every need, give you many gifts, open every gate, give you unlimited grace, guard you, heal you, honor you, give you hope, fill you with humility, instruct you, give you integrity, intercede for you, show you kindness, expand your knowledge beyond preconceived limits, give you a love for life , love you in every way, do mystical things in your life, show you mercy, show you miracle after miracle, reveal His great mystery to you, give you patience, provide peace in your life, give you perseverance, provide you refuge from the crashing storms of life, reign as King in your life, rescue you from your suffering, reward you for following His Word, save you from any danger that attempts to take you down, shield you in every situation, give you strength that you never thought was possible, break all strongholds that are in your life, sustain you through every war that is waged in your life, give you talents that will amaze you, teach you the way to do all things in the right manner, allow you to give testimony to the effect that He has had in your life, transform you from nothing to be better than you ever thought was possible, give you treasures beyond your wildest dreams, give you triumph when you never thought it was possible and train you to stay true to His Word.
Thinks that you are precious, promises to do great things in the course of your life, is proud to have you as His child and wants to make you more pure in every way possible.
He wants you:
To trust Him for everything in life, to stand upright in your life proclaiming His magnificence, to be valiant in proclaiming His Word, to have the vigor to do what no one else will, to have the vision to see what others cannot and to wage war against others who are opposing His will.
He wants:
To wash you clean of every sin in your life, to watch over you every moment you are living, to show you the way to live, to equip you with the weapons needed to fight a spiritual war, to show you His will for your life, to give you wisdom beyond your years, to allow you to witness about His glory, to give you the words to speak into peoples' hearts, to allow you to do the works that reflect the compassion of His heart, to show the world how He has changed you, to give you a zeal for life and to do the work of His will.
He is:
Preparing you for greatness.
He will:
Give you angels to protect you, armor to defend you, baptize you in the Spirit, treat you as His bride, provide you with refuge, love you, have compassion for you, deliver you, open doors for you, fulfill your dreams, give you endurance, fight every enemy, forgive you for everything, never forsake you, fulfill your every need, give you many gifts, open every gate, give you unlimited grace, guard you, heal you, honor you, give you hope, fill you with humility, instruct you, give you integrity, intercede for you, show you kindness, expand your knowledge beyond preconceived limits, give you a love for life , love you in every way, do mystical things in your life, show you mercy, show you miracle after miracle, reveal His great mystery to you, give you patience, provide peace in your life, give you perseverance, provide you refuge from the crashing storms of life, reign as King in your life, rescue you from your suffering, reward you for following His Word, save you from any danger that attempts to take you down, shield you in every situation, give you strength that you never thought was possible, break all strongholds that are in your life, sustain you through every war that is waged in your life, give you talents that will amaze you, teach you the way to do all things in the right manner, allow you to give testimony to the effect that He has had in your life, transform you from nothing to be better than you ever thought was possible, give you treasures beyond your wildest dreams, give you triumph when you never thought it was possible and train you to stay true to His Word.
Thinks that you are precious, promises to do great things in the course of your life, is proud to have you as His child and wants to make you more pure in every way possible.
He wants you:
To trust Him for everything in life, to stand upright in your life proclaiming His magnificence, to be valiant in proclaiming His Word, to have the vigor to do what no one else will, to have the vision to see what others cannot and to wage war against others who are opposing His will.
He wants:
To wash you clean of every sin in your life, to watch over you every moment you are living, to show you the way to live, to equip you with the weapons needed to fight a spiritual war, to show you His will for your life, to give you wisdom beyond your years, to allow you to witness about His glory, to give you the words to speak into peoples' hearts, to allow you to do the works that reflect the compassion of His heart, to show the world how He has changed you, to give you a zeal for life and to do the work of His will.
He is:
Preparing you for greatness.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Quote for the day
"Even in a world where knowledge and information is so easy to access, there is no substitution for experience."
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Call of Christ and Prayer
Christ's Call to Follow in His Footsteps - K.P. Yohannan
Prayer - Ravenhill
Prayer - Ravenhill
New Testament in 30 days
I have decided to read my way through the entire New Testament in 30 days. I am following a plan that was made up by Elevation Church. It is amazing how much we think we know about the Bible just because we have been going to church our entire lives. When I started reading the New Testament word for word, chapter after chapter, I have learned that there is so much more to God's Word then what I have previously learned.
A couple of questions have come to mind while going through this process:
1. How can we say that we are Christians and believe in the Bible when most Christians have never read the entire Bible?
2. Why is it that it is so hard for Chrisitans to sit down and really read what God has to say in His Word?
I have made my way through Matthew and Mark and I am going to start on Acts today. Hopefully I can stay strong and make it all the way through. Who knows, maybe I will start on the Old Testament when I get done with the New Testament.
A couple of questions have come to mind while going through this process:
1. How can we say that we are Christians and believe in the Bible when most Christians have never read the entire Bible?
2. Why is it that it is so hard for Chrisitans to sit down and really read what God has to say in His Word?
I have made my way through Matthew and Mark and I am going to start on Acts today. Hopefully I can stay strong and make it all the way through. Who knows, maybe I will start on the Old Testament when I get done with the New Testament.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
"When you give an offering it is act of worship to God. You are giving back to Him what He has already given you.?"
~Pastor Steven Furtick~
Monday, June 7, 2010
Empowering Leaders
What is your super power?
What if you could change the world?
You've got it in you.
It's your gift. It's your calling.
And now it's time to use it.
~Pastor Steven Furtick~
Elevation Church
I think that everyone should check out Elevation Church and at least listen to one of Pastor Steven Furtick's sermons. He seems to have his head on straight and not only calling people out on what they are doing wrong but showing them in the Bible what is right.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Powerful Truth 3
"Most ideas that have changed the world, were once ideas that would never work."
~Pastor Steven Furtick~
Powerful Truth 2
"Grace is not an excuse for me to live anyway I want to live, it's power for me to live the way God wants me to live."
~Pastor Steven Furtick~
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Who is going to do it?
"Just because change can be good, doesn't mean that it is easy."
~Michelle Feole~
"Somebody’s got to do the weird work.
Have the hard conversations.
Find the hidden solutions.
Challenge the cultural norms.
It may as well be you."
~Pastor Steven Furtick
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Summer Time
Much has happened in my life the past couple of weeks. I suspect it will get written down on paper one of these days when I have the time to do so. Until then, these few and far between blogs will have to do.
I have decided that since I have quite a bit of spare time this summer that one of the things that I am going to do is to read some books that I have always wanted to read. The first one I am going to read is "Pride and Prejudice." I have seen the movie but usually the book is always quite a bit better and almost always provides a more in depth look at the characters than what a two hour movie allows.
Chapter One here we come.
I have decided that since I have quite a bit of spare time this summer that one of the things that I am going to do is to read some books that I have always wanted to read. The first one I am going to read is "Pride and Prejudice." I have seen the movie but usually the book is always quite a bit better and almost always provides a more in depth look at the characters than what a two hour movie allows.
Chapter One here we come.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Salvation - Ian Thomas
Will you give Jesus the right to be God in your life without reserve?
The Spirit is Willing
We are in the midst of a war. Shadow continually attempts to creep into one's life; yet the life of a Christian is one of light, not shadow. But there is a problem and that problem is you. Eric Ludy thunders forth the sole solution - the Gospel! You need salvation.
A Call to Anguish
David Wilkerson's soul-stirring sermon on the necessity of anguish - to bear God's heart, passion, and burden within our lives.
The Intercessor
This soul-stirring message by Eric Ludy powerfully enunciates the vision behind the Ludy's Ellerslie Training in Colorado.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
God's molding me
Here is a song that explains what has been going on in my life for the past 1-2 months.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Crazy Busy
It has been a long time since I last posted and lets just say that I have been busy. The biggest thing that has happened in my life is that I got to go on a Missions Trip to New York for Spring Break. We did so much for so many in such a short amount of time. It was an amazing trip! We got to worship at the Brooklyn Tabernacle 2 times, we worked with the learning center connected to BT that helps people get their GED, we worked two different soup kitchens, we helped to re-stock a World Vision warehouse, we got to go to BT's Prayer Meeting which lasted over two hours, we got to minister to the homeless, and we got to go to the Ignite Conference at BT where the guest speaker was Francis Chan. Plus, between all of that going on, I got to know the people on the trip with me really well and it was amazing to fellowship with them and to just grow so much in our walks with God.
This song sums up everything:
It has been a long time since I last posted and lets just say that I have been busy. The biggest thing that has happened in my life is that I got to go on a Missions Trip to New York for Spring Break. We did so much for so many in such a short amount of time. It was an amazing trip! We got to worship at the Brooklyn Tabernacle 2 times, we worked with the learning center connected to BT that helps people get their GED, we worked two different soup kitchens, we helped to re-stock a World Vision warehouse, we got to go to BT's Prayer Meeting which lasted over two hours, we got to minister to the homeless, and we got to go to the Ignite Conference at BT where the guest speaker was Francis Chan. Plus, between all of that going on, I got to know the people on the trip with me really well and it was amazing to fellowship with them and to just grow so much in our walks with God.
This song sums up everything:
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Power of His Love
Today in Chapel I got to hear some amazing stories about how God is changing the lives of the people around me. His glory was so present in their stories and in their enthusiasm to share them with everyone who was there.
God gave me two verses a couple of weeks ago and I feel like I should share them. It was during a time when I was struggling and I was weak. God moved in my life in a powerful way and showed me how awesome His love is for everyone, including me.
1. Psalm 15:5 Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future.
2. Psalm 50:15 "and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
Through Psalm 15:5 God was able to tell me that He is the one in control of my life and my future. At the time my future was in question and there were some tough decisions to make but through it all God kept telling me not to worry and to trust in Him. Then, He gave me this verse and everything just seemed to make sense.
Through Psalm 50:15 God has given me the courage to share my story with everyone. It is like this verse is His way of saying that when we are in trouble and when we cry out to God, He will answer and He knows that it will bring glory to His name.
So, when you are struggling and you are barely hanging on, remember this: God knew your future before you were even born. He is always with you and He hears every word you speak to Him. Let Him show you the plan that He has for your life and remember that He knows what you need to experience and go through to bring glory to His name.
This song seems to express what I am feeling right now, that we testify to His almighty love.
God gave me two verses a couple of weeks ago and I feel like I should share them. It was during a time when I was struggling and I was weak. God moved in my life in a powerful way and showed me how awesome His love is for everyone, including me.
1. Psalm 15:5 Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future.
2. Psalm 50:15 "and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
Through Psalm 15:5 God was able to tell me that He is the one in control of my life and my future. At the time my future was in question and there were some tough decisions to make but through it all God kept telling me not to worry and to trust in Him. Then, He gave me this verse and everything just seemed to make sense.
Through Psalm 50:15 God has given me the courage to share my story with everyone. It is like this verse is His way of saying that when we are in trouble and when we cry out to God, He will answer and He knows that it will bring glory to His name.
So, when you are struggling and you are barely hanging on, remember this: God knew your future before you were even born. He is always with you and He hears every word you speak to Him. Let Him show you the plan that He has for your life and remember that He knows what you need to experience and go through to bring glory to His name.
This song seems to express what I am feeling right now, that we testify to His almighty love.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Power of the Spoken Word
These two videos are amazing! Please take the time to watch them both and to really listen to what they are trying to get across to their audience.
Salvation - Ian Thomas
The Spirit is Willing - Eric Ludy
Salvation - Ian Thomas
The Spirit is Willing - Eric Ludy
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
“Champions take chances and pressure is a privilege.”
Billie Jean King
First Blog Ever!
Hello to everyone and to no one,
This is my first entry into my first ever blog. I am not sure what I plan to post here, it might be a quote I have heard, it might be a story I want to share and it might be an event happening in my life that I feel could help others.
To start this blog off I will go with a few quotes that I have heard in the last week that have caught my attention.
"The only thing that can satisfy the desire that's within you, is the one that put that desire in you."
"Someday, someone is going to walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else."
"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest time, but about who came and never left your side."
"I may not be the best, but I’ve come to believe that I got it in me to be somebody in this world."
"Sometimes one dream is enough to light up the whole sky."
This is my first entry into my first ever blog. I am not sure what I plan to post here, it might be a quote I have heard, it might be a story I want to share and it might be an event happening in my life that I feel could help others.
To start this blog off I will go with a few quotes that I have heard in the last week that have caught my attention.
"The only thing that can satisfy the desire that's within you, is the one that put that desire in you."
"Someday, someone is going to walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else."
"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest time, but about who came and never left your side."
"I may not be the best, but I’ve come to believe that I got it in me to be somebody in this world."
"Sometimes one dream is enough to light up the whole sky."
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